Here is the sample HTML code. Please update the SDK_KEY with the one provided by our team.
USER_ID must be unique for each user.
PLACEMENT_NAME is an optional parameter which has default value as #WebOfferwall
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
(() => {
var t, a, p, j, o, y;
(t = window),
(a = document),
(p = ''),
'function' == typeof t[(j = 'Tapjoy')]
? t[j]('activator-reinitialized')
: ((t[j] = function () {
(t[j].q = t[j].q || []).push(arguments);
(t[j].l = 1 * new Date()),
(o = a.createElement('script')),
(y = a.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]),
(o.async = 1),
(o.src = p),
y.parentNode.insertBefore(o, y));
Tapjoy('init', {
sdkKey: '<SDK_KEY>',
publisherUserId: '<USER_ID>',
eventName: '<PLACEMENT_NAME>',
<button onclick="javascript:Tapjoy('showOfferwall', {});">Click Me</button>