Test Devices

Test Devices open up additional Tapjoy features when you are developing your application. Devices registered as ‘Test Devices’ can view content cards set to "only for test devices". This lets you test specific content units without showing them to all users. Test Devices will automatically turn on Tapjoy Debug Logging for themselves after the SDK connects to the server (compatible with SDK 11.4.0+).

Setting up test devices involves finding the advertising ID on the device and adding that ID to the Tapjoy Dashboard "App Settings/Test device” panel.

If you are interested in learning more about the Advertising ID, check out Google’s documentation here.

1. Adding a test device to the Tapjoy Developer Console

The easiest way to add a test device to the test device list is to use the Tapjoy "Developer Console". The "Developer Console" can be found by navigating to the upper right under Tools/Developer Console.

Make sure your app is in debug mode. After navigating to the "Developer Console" run your app on your device and make sure you have connected to Tapjoy. Once this is done you can find your device in the list by clicking the ‘User Info’ button and confirm your device by ip address or other information provided in the details page. Once you have confirmed your device click on the +Add to add your device to the test devices page. If for some reason you can not find your device please see sections below for other methods.


2. Finding your device’s Advertising ID

If you have too many transactions hitting your app and your device can not be found in the "Developer Console" there are other methods to find your advertising ID. Listed in this section are other options.

A. Google Settings

The first method to capture the advertising ID is to use the Google Settings App. In the Ads section the bottom of the screen will have your Advertising ID. Note the "Google Settings" app is NOT in the device settings application, but a separate app called "Google Settings".

B. Logcat

It is possible to capture the advertising ID by observing the log files. To see this in logcat you must ensure Tapjoy debug mode is enabled. Instructions to turn on Debug Mode can be found at the following link: Native Android SDK or Unity SDK.

Once debug mode is enabled the SDK will write extra data to the device’s logs, including your advertising ID. Here is an example of the id returned on the connect call. You can find this in logcat.

    11-03 16:35:09.256: I/TapjoyConnect(2983): advertising_id: 41bbb39c-4569-4916-a6ee-4a27765f36e1

3. Registering your test device on the Tapjoy Dashboard

Once you have obtained the advertising ID, go to your application’s Settings/ Test Device page. Here you can enter the Advertising ID – this will set your device as a test device for your application.


You can then use test device features. For example, content cards that have ‘Only for Test Devices’ enabled can only be viewed by test devices.


Note that test devices with invalid ids such as all 0’s won’t be allowed.