The first step in integrating with your app is to download the Unity SDK itself.
The Tapjoy Unity Plugin zip contains a Unity package file for easy importing, and the raw files for those who prefer to drag-n-drop files for their Tapjoy upgrade. To import the TapjoyUnityPlugin_vVERSION.unitypackage
fileStarting with 12.8.0 the Tapjoy SDK is now managed via Cocoapods by the External Dependency Manager. Please ensure your Cocoapods version is 1.9.0 or greater and your Xcode version is 11.0 or greater
If you are updating your integration and you are using Unity 5.4 or higher, you will see a "fix" button that allows you to correct an error involving the Google Play Services library being marked for inclusion in iOS builds.
Please click the "Fix" button to make sure Google Play Services is only included in Android builds. For versions of Unity earlier than 5.4, you will have to manually ensure that google-play-services_lib is set to be included only with Android builds. Note that n****ew integrations do not need this fix and will not see this button.
permission can optionally be included in your manifest:
<manifest ...>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
You can start configuing Tapjoy in the Tapjoy Window. Go to Window > Tapjoy
to open Tapjoy Window.
In Tapjoy Window, you can configure following:
You also can check the status of your integration, including GCMReceiver Setting and Install Referrer Receiver Setting.
For the Tapjoy SDK to work it requires a TapjoyUnity GameObject with an attached TapjoyComponent – in the editor window there will be a "Fix" button that will automatically add and set up this GameObject for you. Add the Tapjoy GameObject only to the first scene that appears first in your game.
Once you have finished configuing Tapjoy you can build and run your application.
Congratulations! You now have Tapjoy working in your application.
You can tell Tapjoy how many levels there are in your game. You can set this value before or after calling connect.
You can identify users as part of a segment by calling setUserSegment
. This can be set before or after calling connect.
The Unity SDK allows you to control your connection step through code. By default the SDK will handle connection for you. To gain manual control, first uncheck the "Auto-Connect" option in the Tapjoy Settings Window (Window > Tapjoy).
Once that option is unchecked the SDK will no longer automatically handle the connection for you. You will need to handle the connection with your code, this behavior is just like in the Native SDKs.
When your application first starts up, you must call Connect
to make the SDK connect to the Tapjoy server. There are two versions of the Connect function. The first form of Connect will just take the SDK key as a string. If your application is multi-platform you will need to provide the correct SDK key for each platform.
The other version of Connect takes a second parameter, a Dictionary of string/string values. This dictionary is your connectFlags, and they behave the same as in the Native SDKs.
Dictionary<string,string> connectFlags = new Dictionary<string,string>();
connectFlags.Add("TJC_OPTION_USER_ID", "<USER_ID_HERE>");
Tapjoy.Connect("your_android_sdk_key", connectFlags);
Tapjoy.Connect("your_ios_sdk_key", connectFlags);
Before you can perform other actions with the SDK (such as loading ads), the SDK connection must complete. There are two event delegates that are triggered by connection events – OnConnectSuccess and OnConnectFailure. You should declare delegate functions to listen for the connection events. Once onConnectSuccess has fired you can begin using the other SDK functions.
Should the SDK fail to connect, you can re-attempt the Connection by calling Connect() with no parameters. This will make the SDK re-try it’s connection using the SDK key that it last attempted to connect with.
Now that you have the SDK running, it’s time to take a moment to code for best practices. Before the Tapjoy SDK can request ads or send tracking data, it needs to successfully connect to our servers. The SDK exposes a delegate function OnConnectSuccess
that will fire once the SDK has successfully connected. You should wait until the SDK has successfully connected before you attempt to use other functions such as requesting ads or tracking data. The OnConnectWarning
callback will fire when there is a non-blocking issue during connect (connectSuccess
will also fire after). Currently this feature will only detect issues with UserId when sent in ConnectFlags. OnConnectFailure
indicates and error has occurred and the SDK did not connect.
Tapjoy.OnConnectSuccess += HandleConnectSuccess;
public void HandleConnectSuccess() {
Debug.Log ("Connect Success");
// Now that we are connected we can start preloading our placements
TJPlacement p = TJPlacement.CreatePlacement("my_placement");
Tapjoy.OnConnectWarning += HandleConnectWarning;
void HandleConnectWarning(int code, string message)
Tapjoy.OnConnectFailed += HandleConnectFailed
public void HandleConnectFailed(int code, string message){
You can also check the boolean Tapjoy.isConnected
to check SDK connection status.